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English pronunciation.


Is one of a set of multiple possible spoken sounds (or phones) or signs used to pronounce a single phoneme in a particular language.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_phonology#Allophony https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allophone#English https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_phonology#Allophones_of_consonants https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_phonology#Allophones_of_vowels

Russian analog


пять [pʲætʲ]


[iː] vs [ɪ]

These six silly sisters are sweet to meet.
[ðiːz sɪks sɪlɪ sɪstə aː swiːt tuː miːt]

sheep [ʃiːp]       ship [ʃɪp]
heat [hiːt]        hit [hɪt]
feet [fiːt]        fit [fɪt]
cheap [ʧiːp]       chip [ʧɪp]
eel [iːl]          ill [ɪl]
receive [rɪˈsɪːv]  sieve [sɪv]
leave [liːv]       live [lɪv]
peach [piːʧ]       pitch [pɪʧ]
litre [liːtər]     litter [lɪtər]
leap [liːp]        lip [lɪp]
wheel [wiːl]       will [wɪl]
seek [siːk]        sick [sɪk]

[ɪ] vs [e]

Did Ed wed Liz or did Liz wed Ted?
tin [tɪn]   ten [ten]
hill [hɪl]  hell [hel]
did [dɪd]   dead [ded]
bid [bɪd]   bed [bed]
middle [mɪdle]  medal [medl]
fill [fɪl]  fell [fel]
pin [pɪn]   pen [pen]

[e] vs [æ]

I bet you bat better then your fans in the fens.
head  [hɛd]    had   [hæd]
shell [ʃɛl]    shall [ʃæl]
net   [nɛt]    gnat  [næt]
end   [ɛnd]    and   [ænd]
expensive [ɪkˈspɛnsɪv] expansive [ɪkˈspænsɪv]

[æ] vs [ʌ]

Cut the cackle and come up with the cash!
cat [cæt]      cut [kʌt]
cap [cæp]      cup [kʌp]
dam [dæm]      dumb [dʌm]
stamp [stæmp]  stump [stʌmp]
ankle [əŋkəl]  uncle [ʌŋkəl]
bat [bæt]      but [bʌt]
swam [swæm]    swum [swʌm]
bank [bænk]    bunk [bʌnk]

[æ] vs [aː]

My hard hearted aunt had a fat cat in her flat.
cat    cart
hat    heart
had    hard
am     arm
chat   chart

[æ] vs [eə]

dad [dæd]     dared [deəd]
glad [ɡlæd]   glared [ɡleəd]
marry [mæri]  Mary [meəri]

[eɪ] vs [iː]

ate [eɪt]      eat [iːt]
faced [feɪst]  feast [fiːst]
great [ɡreɪt]  greet [ɡriːt]
mate [meɪt]    meet [miːt]

[əʊ] vs [ɔː]

coat [kəʊt]   caught [kɔːt]
dough [dəʊ]   door [dɔːr]
sew [səʊ]     saw [sɔː]
flow [fləʊ]   floor [flɔːr]

[w] vs [v]

wet [wet]  vet [vet]
werse [wɜrs]  verse [vɜrs]
while [waɪl]  vile [vaɪl]
west [west]  vest [vest]
wery [weri]  very [very]

[r] vs [l]

wrong [rɒŋ]         long [lɒŋ]
royal [rɔɪjəl]      loyal [lɔɪjəl]
missread [mɪsˈred]  missled [mɪsˈled]
pirate [paɪrət]     pilot [paɪlət]
pray [praɪ]         play [plaɪ]
red [red]           led [led]
crime [kraɪm]       climb [claɪm]
crash [kræʃ]        clash [klæʃ]
rice [raɪs]         lice [laɪs]
rock [rɒk]          lock [lɒk]

[n] vs [ŋ]

ran [ræn]  rang [ræŋ]
son [sʌn]  sung [sʌŋ]
pin [pɪn]  ping [pɪŋ]
thin [θɪn]  thing [θɪŋ]
wind [wɪnd] winged [wɪŋd]

[m] vs [n]

sum [sʌm]  sun [sʌn]  sung [sʌŋ]
rum [rʌm]  run [rʌn]  rung [rʌŋ]

[s] vs [z]

buzz [bʌz]    bus [bʌs]
rise [raɪz]   rice [raɪs]
zip [zɪp]     sip [sɪp]
lazy [leɪzɪ]  lacy [leɪsi]
his [hɪz]     hiss [hɪs]
cause [cɔːz]  course [kɔːrs]
plays [pleiz]  place [pleɪs]
grows [ɡrəʊz]  gross [ɡrəʊs]

[ʃ] vs [s]

ship [ʃɪp]  sip [sɪp]
show [ʃəʊ]  so [səʊ]
shy [ʃaɪ]   sigh [saɪ]
chauffeur [ʃəʊfər]  sofa [səʊfə]
shock [ʃɒk]  sock [sɒk]

[v] vs [f]

vault [vɔːlt]     fault [fɔːlt]
believe [bɪliːv]  belief [bɪliːf]
live [laɪv]       life [laɪf]
van [væn]         fan [fæn]
leave [liːv]      leaf [liːf]
of [ɒv]           off [ɒf]
rival [raɪvəl]    rifle [raɪfəl]

[v] vs [b]

very [ˈveri]  berry [ˈberi]

[d] vs [t]

dame [daɪm]    tame [taɪm]
doom [duːm]    tomb [tuːm]
medal [medəl]  metal [metəl]
heard [hɜːrd]  hurt [hɜːrt]
din [dɪn]      tin [tɪn]
do [duː]       to [tuː]
down [daʊn]    town [taʊn]
aid [eɪd]      eight [eɪt]
bed [bed]      bet [bet]

[b] vs [p]

back [bæk]       pack [pæk]
cab [cæb]        cap [kæp]
symbol [sɪmbəl]  simple [sɪmpəl]
bare [beə]       pair [peə]
bunch [bʌnʧ]     punch [pʌnʧ]
bump [bʌmp]      pump [pʌmp]
bull [bʊl]       pull [pʊl]

[ɡ] vs [k]

glue [ɡluː]    clue [kluː]
ghost [ɡəʊst]  coast [kəʊst]
log [lɒɡ]      lock [lɒk]
pig [pɪɡ]      pick [pɪk]
game [ɡeIm]    came [keɪm]
gauge [ɡeɪdʒ]  cage [keɪdɡ]
galleries [ɡæləriːz]  calories [kæləriːz]

[ʧ] vs [dʒ]

choke [ʧəʊk]  joke [dʒəʊk]
chunk [ʧʌnk]  junk [dʒʌŋk]
rich [rɪʧ]    ridge [rɪdʒ]
lunch [lʌnʧ]  lunge [lʌndʒ]
search [sɜːrʧ]  surge [sɜːrdʒ]